Rudolf G. Wagner, Joining the Global Imaginaire: The Shanghai
Illustrated Newspaper Dianshizhai huabao
Elizabeth J. Perry, Once Again -- With Feeling: The Chinese
Revolution Revisited
Liao Mingchun, Textual Inquiries into the Word "Ren"(Benevolence)
Chen Lai, The Formation and Transformation of Song Neo-Confucian
Discourse: Ideas of Ren from the Cheng brothers to Zhu Xi
Zhou Shaoquan, Studies on China's Population in the Ming
and the Extant Population-Register's Documents
Guo Yuhua, Relations of Exchange, Broken: A Case Study of
Disputes over Support for the Aged in a North China Village
Martin King Whyte, Filial Obligations in Chinese Families:
Paradoxes of Modernization
Zhang Guangda, Reflections on Trends in the Study of Tang
Dynasty History
Yu Jinyao, Western Historiographies of Childhood in the
Last Forty Years
Haun Saussy, Objective, Subjective, Western, Chinese --
Rigid Designators or Functional Variables?
Book Reviews
Jacques Le Goff, History and Memory (Zhang Lun)
Jan Kubik, The Power of Symbols Against the Symbols of Power
(Yang Yechun)
Pamela Kyle Crossley, A Translucent Mirror: History and
Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology (Joshua Goldstein)
Franciscus Verellen & Lin Fushi(ed.), The Cult of Relics
and the Cult of the Saints (Lei Wen)
Tsunenobu Takahata, A Study of Hunan Learning in the Song
Dynasty (Wu Zhen)
Emmanuel Levinas, Discovering Existence with Husserl (Sun
Nicholas Mirzoeff(ed.), The Visual Culture Reader (Alexander
Des Forges)
Jack Goody, The Expansive Moment: Anthropology in Britain
and Africa, 1918-1970 (Zhao Xudong)
Zhang Zhilian, Renewed Encounter: Selected Speeches and
Essays, 1979-1999 (Qian Tang)
Ding Yizhuang, The History of Chinese Sent-down Youth: The
First Wave, 1953-1968 (Wang Guanhua)