

第一辑 第二辑 第三辑 第四辑 第五辑 第六辑

中   文




汪 晖 天理之成立
包弼德 唐宋转换的反思:以思想的转变为主
叶凯蒂 从十九世纪上海地图看对城市未来定义的争夺战
张旭东 现代性的寓言:王安忆与上海怀旧
张新颖 中国新诗对于自身问题的现代焦虑
梁太济 《圣政》今本非原本之旧详辨
曹树基 论明代的人口增长率


宇文所安 瓠落的文学史
王晴佳 后殖民主义与中国历史学


唐晓峰 评《美国文化地理》
张伟然 评《东汉政区地理》
鲁金山 评《严复思想新论》
戴沙迪 评《二十世纪中国的文学场》
方向红 评《胡塞尔现象学概念通释》
丁耘 评《无化之化》
王利 评《海德格尔的政治本体论》
张伦 评《种族主义导论》
陈新 评《历史主义》
顾杭 评《作为职业的历史学》
赵国新 评《战后英国文化马克思主义》
何博闻 评《风险社会》
熊浩 评《符号理论》
刘海波 评《美国联邦主义的意涵》
艾军 评《奥地利经济学派在美国》
柯荣住 评《斯蒂格勒论文精粹》



英  文



Wang Hui, The Establishment of Tianli (Heavenly Principle)
Peter K. Bol, Reconsidering the Tang-Song Transition -- with Particular Attention to Intellectual Change
Catherine V. Yeh, The Debates of the Future Definitions of Cities: Seeing from the 19th
Century Maps of Shanghai
Zhang Xudong, Shanghai Nostalgia: Modernity, Allegory, and Mourning in Wang Anyi' s Literary Production in the 1990s
Zhang Xinying, Chinese New Poetry and Its Modern Anxiety of Self 
Liang Taiji, The Contemporary Version of Sheng Zheng is not Its Original Form : a Detailed Analysis

Cao Shuji, On the Population Growth Rate in the Ming Dynasty

Stephen Owen, A Useless Literary History
Q. Edward Wang, The Post-colonial Theory and the Historiography of China 

Book Reviews

Wilbur Zelinsky, Cultural Geography of the United States (Tang Xiaofeng)
Li Xiaojie, The Geography of the Administrative Regions of the East Han Dynasty (Zhang Weiran)
Liu Guisheng, Lam Kai Yin, Wang Xianming ed., New Perspectives on Yan Fu's 
Thought (Lu Jinshan)
Michel Hockx, ed. The Literary Field of Twentieth-Century China (Alexander Des Forges)
Ni Liangkang, A General Interpretation of the Concepts of Husserl's Phenomenology (Fang
Peng Fuchun, The Untransformed Transformation (Ding Yun)
Pierre Bourdieu, The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger (Wang Li)
Michiel Wieviorka, An Introduction to Racism (Zhang Lun)
Paul Hamilton, Historicism (Chen Xin)
Pim Den Boer, History as a Profession: The Study of History in France, 1818-1914.
(Gu Hang)
Dennis Dworkin, Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left,
and the Origins of Cultural Studies (Zhao Guoxin)
Ulrich Beck, Risk Society:Towards a New Modernity (He Bowen)
Norbert Elias, The Symbolic Theory (Xiong Hao)
Vincent Ostrom, The Meaning of American Federalism:Constituting a Self-Governing Society (Liu Haibo)
Karen I. Vaughn, Austrian Economics in America: The Migration of a Tradition
(Jiang Diqing)
George J. Stiegler, The Essays of Stiegler (Ke Rongzhu)


Chen Yixin, Did Birth Regulation Slow Down Jiangnan's Population Growth?


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