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About Cui Zimo��s Art

Nick Newton (Australia)

    I would like to say that any artist be they a Painter��Poet, Calligrapher, Teacher or Artist all have a unique way of expressing their creations which of course is the way each stands out from the other.


    Some are good or excellent in a single area but I believe there are few that can excel at more than one, and there are even less that can excel in more.


   I have had the privilege of not only meeting but proud to say have become a friend of someone I think is already a Master and it will only take a short time for others to realize that a new and striking star has arrived.


    There are Artists who can paint a picture like a post card and others who create with a flippant attitude showing they think their creations are great. In fact such paintings or calligraphy is easily replicated, and will always be passed by because of this reason.


    The ability to create a picture that not only flows as a picture but retains the special strokes that make it a master piece combined with a unique talent that actually brings the paintings to life is found in the paintings created in this publication.


The pictures all have such feelings that you can sense the intense meanings that are put in the works. This very special talent as I have said is seldom found in Artists works today.


    We take our standards from the Masters of old and because they are Masters the reason others find their works captivating is they painted with a sprit and feeling that many recognize and few can emulate.


    This high standard already created sets a bench mark that all others will be assessed and in some cases judged, but few artists are able to reach such heights. That is why the title of Master or Professor is seldom given and when it is means the achievements will be recorded and preserved for generations.


    The standards already set and carved in stone, so to speak make sure any aspiring talent has to pass these standards before proceeding to the next step of stardom.


    I believe the paintings shown have not only passed the first steps but in fact show that even with the most serious judgment it will be seen that the high standards already mentioned have in fact been achieved.


    The only step now is for others to also recognize the special talent expressed in the works and also see that they will be in my opinion welcomed into the standard of Master painter within a very short time.


    This step would normally be sufficient for most but not in this case. Not only have I witnessed I believe the status of Master painter achieved but the talents go well past the normal.


    The ability to create not only beautiful pictures but to be able to express the rare ability to create verse and feelings in calligraphy is a talent usually reserved exclusively for the Master.


    There is a flow of feeling that jumps out and says READ ME and more importantly asks can you understand my meaning.


    The feelings expressed with a few words I feel show an understanding and learning found only in the very wise. Combined with an ability to express the words with such an intense stroke and expression will I am sure secure a firm place in the winners circle not only now but for many years, and eventually will be elevated to also a Master which few achieve.


    The more I realize about the talents I am witnessing make me realize I am not only very lucky but privileged to have experienced and enjoyed watching works actually being created that I am sure the wonderful experience will stay with me all my life.


    Most will agree that once this achievement has been reached that the idea of ��Well I have achieved most I should settle and enjoy life��would enter many!


    In this case NO is the answer I want to pass my talents on to the younger generation and I must teach those also with talents to reach for the sky so that painting and the achievements of the past can be replicated and the secrets of painting can be preserved for future generations.


    I ask all who read this how many times can one meet a person who you can proudly refer to as Master painter, Poet, Calligrapher, and Teacher ?


    Please enjoy the works displayed here and preserve the works as a future treasure.





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