2000 No.2
Talking the finish time about Ji fu of Gongsun Longzi
Zheng Liangshu
Defending the handed down of Xin shu written by Jia
Yi Lu Na
Notes of the bamboo of Da Tang Xiyu ji Zhu Weiqi
Talking about the binding and layout of Xixia ancient
books excavated from Baisigou square Buddhist Niu Dasheng
Talking about the ancient documents of poems in Han
Zhang Bowei
Deeds of Nan Huairen in China Cui Guangshe
The chronicle of Liu Xihai Hu Changjian
Translating Chinese about the subclauses of <the
comprehensive table of Mengoulia ancient documents in
China〉Shen Xiaoting
Zhou Yueran and the incomplete copy of Guwangyan Wang
The ancient Chinese archives Gexiang gaopu Xie Zhaohua
The preface for photo-offset copy Shixue yaoyi Qu Lindong
Talking about the collecting rare books in Wuyingdian
Palace in Qing Dynasty Zhu Saihong
The four letters unpublished of Wen Yiduo Xu Yanping