


目    录

《铅汞甲庚至宝集成》纂著年代考                     王家葵
关于《上清经》                                     丁培仁
正文正辞以兴太平──《太平经》文治太平思想浅议     陈 林
早期正一道的上章济度思想                           张泽洪
道家人格美到道教“仙格”美的嬗变                   潘显一
老子生生态智慧解读                                 王建军
道家与道教的“理身理国”思想──先秦至唐的历史考察 陈进国

南北朝禅学                                          方立天
论法眼宗对佛教经典的汲取                            吴言生
敦煌写本《无量寿观经义记》和《无量寿经义记》考记    刘长东
论格义的本义及其引伸                                刘立夫
张载、苏轼的“实体”论与佛老之学                    黄德昌

人生苦难与宗教──以基督教和佛教为例所作的一个初步考察 成 穷
近代基督教在华医疗事业                                 陈建明

全真道三州五会考略                                   姜守诚
文化潜流:庄子“道”论的后世遗响                     曹智频
从魏晋南北朝时期“沙门不敬王者”的争论看佛教的中国化 岳 辉
李贽佛学思想初探                                     纪华传
八十年代以来的人间佛教                               王永会

《道教文化新典》评介                                  黄永锋
善书研究的新拓展──评游子安博士《劝化金箴──清代善书研究》 陈 霞

Taoism Studies
An examination of year when Qian Gong Jia Geng Zhi Bao Ji Cheng was  compiled                               Wang Jiakui
On supreme clarity scriptures               Ding Peiren
On the idea of cultural administration of a peaceful country in Tai Ping Jing                               Chen Lin
On the thought of salvation by petitions to the divinities in early orthodox oneness school               Zhang Zehong
From personality beauty in philosophical Taoism to immortality beauty in religious Taoism                  Pan Xianyi
Interpretation of Lao Tzu's ecological wisdom      Wang Jianjun
The thought of administering body and state in philosophical and
religious Taoism                            Chen Jinguo

Buddhism Studies
Dhyana in the Southem and Northem Dynasties          Fang Litian
On Fayan school's absorption of Buddhist scriptures  Wu Yansheng
Examinations of the Tun─huang manuscripts of Notes to the Commentary on Sukhavati─Vyuba and Notes to the Commentary
 on Amtayus Dhyana Sutra                            Liu Changdong
On the original meaning and extension of Geyi       Liu Lifu
Relations between the ideas of entity of Zhang Zai and Su Shi and
Buddhism and Taoism                                 Huang Dechang 

Studies in Other Religions
Religions and sufferings in Life: A preliminary examination with
Christianity and Buddhism as examples                Cheng Qiong
Modern Christianity's medical career in China        Chen Jianming

Forum for Graduate Students
A brief examination of the five associations in three counties of
complete perfect school                          Jiang Shoucheng
The influence of Zhuang Zi's theory of Tao on later times 
                                                 Cao Zhipin
Chinesization of Buddhism: the debate on sramana's disobedience of
courtesies to kings                              Yue Hui
A preliminary examination of Lizhi's Buddhist thoughts Ji Huachan 
The popular Buddhism since 1980s                 Wang Yonghui

News and Review
Review of New Classics of Taoist Culture         Huang Yongfeng 
Review of Golden Proverbs:Study of Morality Books in Qing Dynasty by Dr. You Zian                                  Chen Xia 

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