
    贝宁、布基纳法索、印度、孟加拉、印尼、菲律宾、缅甸等非洲与亚洲国家四十多位代表2012月1月16-17日在印度海德拉巴举行“转基因Bt棉及其之后发展”秘密会议后于《国际反对转基因日》( 2012年4月9日)公布了会议新闻公报与详尽报告。新闻公报详细分析了印度转基因Bt棉2002年种植十年以来如何成为“超级失败”到“经济与生态灾难”。除了单位面积产量问题,转基因Bt棉还对土壤健康造成巨大危险。尽管这种发现受到转基因Bt棉产业代理人的嘲笑,印度顶级棉花科学家、中央棉花研究院负责人柯蓝瑟博士最近的研究证实了这种情况。他的研究揭示,除非使用更多的肥料与水,转基因Bt棉并不比传统非转基因棉杂交品种有更高的产量。其他的国家揭露的类似发展揭示,跨国生物技术公司在印度耍弄的政治在非洲与亚洲其他地方都有反响。  

     Over forty representatives from Benin, Burkina Faso of Africa, and from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philipines, Burma of Asia, held the “Bt Cotton and Beyond: An Afro Asian Conclave on Genetic Engineering” during Jan. 16-17, 2012 at Hyderabad, India, then on the occasion of International GM Opposition Day, April 9, 2012, announced their Press Release and made public a detailed report on the conference. The Press Release provided detailed analysis on how the ten years cultivation of GM Bt cotton became a “super flop” and “economic and ecological disaster”.  Besides the yield problems Bt Cotton has been posing a great danger to the soil health. Though this finding was pooh-poohed by the agents of Bt Cotton industry, a later study by Dr Kranthi, the topmost cotton scientist in India and the Head of Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur proves this point. His study revealed unless you use more fertilisers and water, Bt cotton will not yield more than the conventional cotton hybrids. Similar developments revealed in other nations indicated, the politics being played by the multinational corporations in India is echoed from all parts of Africa and Asia.


Bt Cotton and Beyond: An Afro Asian Conclave on Genetic Engineering


Status and implication of Genetically Engineered crops and post GE technologies for small farmers in Africa and Asia


–  禁止抗草甘膦转基因作物原料进口、开发、种植、销售理由之228

– The 228th reason to forbid import, development, growing and selling of RR soybeans


Translated by Chen I-wan


“GM Technology & Mankind Safety” researcher



http://www.ddsindia.com/www/pdf/PR April 9, 2012.pdf


On the occasion of International GM Opposition Day April 9, 2012



Bt Cotton and Beyond: An Afro Asian Conclave on Genetic Engineering, Jan. 16-17, 2012


PRESS RELEASEApril 9, 2012


    After ten years of its cultivation in India, Bt Cotton has now been described from being a super flop to an economic and ecological disaster.


Why is it a super flop?



    Let us consider some trends over the last ten years, since Bt cotton was introduced in India in 2002.


    This decadal experience clearly tells us that in the five years before Bt cotton spread onto 90% of India/s cotton landscape, the yield jump was 39% which was phenomenal by all accounts. But we must remember that in this spectacular yield increase, Bt cotton can claim very little share since it was being cultivated only on 1.1% cotton area in 2003-4 and just about 5.7% in 2004-5.


     Obviously non Bt Cotton cultivated in the rest of 94% of area contributed to this great boom in cotton production until the yield reached 470kgs/lint cotton per acre.















2002-03 Base Year 基础年 309 0
2003-04 1.10% 399 90
2004-05 5.70% 470 71
2007- 08 62.00% 524 55
2008-09 84.00% 486 -38
2009-10 85.00% 474 -12
Courtesy: Cotton Advisory Board资料来源:印度棉花咨询委员会


What happened since?



    Fast forward to 2012.


    In 2009-10, when Bt Cotton spread to 85% of India’s cotton landscape, the yield was 474 kgs of lint cotton/Ha., just 4 kgs per hectare. A laughable increase indeed considering the enormous hype and hoopla surrounding it, [See table below] even while cotton farmers are spending nearly 50% more on inputs compared to their conventional cotton cultivation.


    In Vidarbha alone, at least one Bt Cotton farmer commits suicide every day, busting the myth of Bt cotton bringing prosperity to cotton farmers.


    These harsh facts forced the Ministry of Agriculture issue an advisory to State Departments of Agriculture that says “Cotton farmers are in a deep crisis since shifting to Bt cotton”.


    “The spate of farmer suicides in 2011-12 has been particularly severe among Bt cotton farmers. In fact cost of cotton cultivation has jumped…due to rising costs of pesticides. Total Bt cotton production in the last five years has reduced,” says the advisory which is based on observations from the Indian Council of Agricultural Sciences, which administers farm science, and the Central Cotton Research Institute, the country’s top cotton research facility.


    But very strangely the very Minister who heads the ministry, contradicts his own Ministry’s advisory: “Cotton production has risen from 164 lakh bales in 2004-05 to 340 lakh bales in 2011-12”, he said replying to a question in Rajya Sabha on March 30, 2012.”This is clear cut indication that there is higher production (after use of Bt cotton)” he went on to say.

    然而,非常令人奇怪,农业部自己的部长的说法却与农业部该通告的内容有矛盾。2012年3月30日部长回答Rajya Sabha的提问时竟然说:“棉花产量从2004-2005年度的164,000包增加到2011-2012年度的340,000包”,“”这清楚表明(使用转基因Bt棉以后)有更高的产量”。

    But what Mr Pawar failed to mention is that since 2005 in just six years India has added 25 lakh more acres under cotton cultivation. More and more cotton cultivation is being done on irrigated conditions than before, especially in states like Gujarat who boast of very high cotton production. Both these factors account for a large percentage of yield increase claimed by the minister. Glorifying Bt cotton for this credit is totally undue. If any, the yields under Bt cotton is decreasing since last five years instead of showing an upward trend.


    The same alarming trend has been reported in AP also. According to state government estimates in December 2011, during the Kharif 2011 season in Andhra Pradesh, of 47 lakh acres planted with Bt cotton, 33.73 lakh acres suffered from crop failure. In other words, two-thirds of the cotton area had a yield loss of more than 50%. The data from AP shows that aften ten years of Bt Cultivation, the yields are less than the pre Bt days The graphs also show that in the last 4 years [since 2008], as Bt has risen from 67% to 92% of India’s cotton, yields have dropped steadily.



    In the face of these straight facts why did Mr Pawar choose to contradict his own ministry? Many people believe that Mr Pawar’s association with the multinational agro chemical industry is too close to comfort and he always chooses to stand by them whether it is on the issue of GE crops or FDI in food retail. Please do recall that in the entire Bt Brinjal moratorium issue he stood out like a sore thumb in the Indian Government.



Soil Health & Bt Cotton


    Besides the yield problems Bt Cotton has been posing a great danger to the soil health.


    As far back as 2003, researchers of DDS who were studying Bt Cotton in Warangal, Nalgonda and Adilabad Districts of Andhra Pradesh reported increasing soil toxicity. In 2005, they had unequivocally held Bt cotton responsible for Rhytectomia, a root rot disease that makes entire cotton plants wilt away and also make other crops impossible to grown on those soils next season.

    早在2003年期间,印度《德干发展学会》(Deccan Development Society)的研究者们对转基因Bt棉进行调查研究时,那尔贡达邦的瓦朗加尔地区以及安德拉邦的阿迪拉巴达区有报告说土壤毒性有所增加。2005年,他们确认转基因Bt棉对Rhytectomia负有责任,这是一种根本腐烂疾病,造成整个棉花作物枯萎,甚至使其他作物下一季在这样的土壤中无法生长。

    Though this finding was pooh-poohed by the agents of Bt Cotton industry, a later study by Dr Kranthi, the topmost cotton scientist in India and the Head of Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur proves this point.


    Dr Kranthi wrote :“Bt-cotton hybrids utilize more nutrients and water for higher yields and profits, therefore the soils are getting progressively depleted and need more nutrient recharging.” In other words what he was saying was, unless you use more fertilisers and water, Bt cotton will not yield more than the conventional cotton hybrids.


    He had observed a soil fatigue which is now seen as a major cause of Bt Cotton failure in places such as Vidarbha and the resultant suicides.


Afro Asian Conclave on Bt Cotton & Beyond


    It is this Indian context of Bt Cotton which prompted the Southern Action on Genetic Engineering to hold an Afro Asian Conclave on Bt Cotton to find out if these experiences were peculiar to India or were there similar experiences elsewhere as well. The results are revealing. The politics being played by the multinational corporations in India is echoed from all parts of Africa and Asia.


    In West Africa there is a concerted effort by the USAID and the AGRA initiative of the Bill and Melinda Foundation as well as by the biotech industry to usher in a New Green Revolution via Bt Cotton and other GE crops in the face of a stiff resistance offered by farmers and environmentalists.

   在西非,美国国际开发署(USAID)、比尔盖茨与梅琳达基金会(Bill and Melinda Foundation)倡议的《在非洲争取农业绿色革命胜利》(Achieving the Green Revolution in Africa),与跨国生物技术产业协调努力,通过转基因Bt棉与其他转基因作物强行推动 “绿色革命”,尽管面临当地农民与环境保护人士强烈反对。

    In the Phillippines the resistance took the form of declaration of GM Free regimes by different island states and municipalities.


    But still the assault of GM Corn and pressure to grow Bt Eggplant on the national government continues to haunt the Fillippinos. Bangladesh faces the prospect of the introduction of GE Rice for the first time on this continent.


    Indonesia is perhaps the only country that has given a resounding slap on the face of biotech industry. They uprooted all the Bt Cotton plants grown in the Sulawesi region, burnt them and sent Monsanto packing home. The $700,000 bribe offered by Monsanto to local authorities to permit them to continue to grow their cotton, the uncovering of this scandal by the US Department of Justice and subsequent fines of $150,000 imposed on Monsanto is now a part of the folklore of scandals.


    All these are issues that the Afro Asian Conclave on Bt Cotton and Beyond has sought to explore by bringing in experiences from different parts of Asia and West Africa.


    Today on the occasion of International GMO Opposition Day, we in the SAGE are proud to present you this extremely illustrative report of the Afro Asian Conclave: Bt Cotton and Beyond. We hope this adds to the already burgeoning knowledge on the dangers of GE in food and farming.


    Link to download complete report:

    全文报告下载链接:http://www.ddsindia.com/www/pdf/B&B Report.pdf

Deccan Development Society



P. V. Satheesh

P. V. 萨瑟额士

National Convenor


Southern Action on Genetic Engineering


    Some of the points of the Afro Asian Declaration on GE Crops and GE Technology of “Bt Cotton and Beyond: An Afro Asian Conclave on Genetic Engineering”, Jan. 16 – 17, 2012

    2012 116-17日举行的关于转基因Bt棉及其之后发展:对于转基因的亚非内部会议的非洲与亚洲对转基因作物与转基因技术宣言几项要点

    “GE Crops are not a solution to either climate change of achieving food security for a growing world population…


    Inter-Governmental agreements, with GE as the star attraction, are threatening to take over the future of agriculture…


    It is disheartening that despite failure and repeated negative evidence of impacts, Bt cotton and other GM products are relentlessly promoted by various governments…


     GE centered agriculture requires ecologically damaging and expensive chemical inputs which are under control of large corporations…


     GM is against organic evolution, against biodiversity.


     There is move towards GM animals such as “Enviropig” and GM Atlantic Salmon. This is also linked to factory farming of the fish where the GM Salmon is sought to be marketed…”


陈一文博客2012-04-19 21:06:31 














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