



专题演讲:李有成(中央研究院欧美研究所特聘研究员):Mapping Diasporic London

Session 1A:高雄港的历史与未来

  1. 孙小玉(中山大学外语学系教授):水岸城市的前世今生:打狗港的城市记忆与全球化的想象
  2. 邓学良(中山大学中国与亚太区域研究所副教授):高雄“海港城”实现之必要性与法制之可行性分析
  3. 郑梓(成功大学历史学系教授):恋恋港都:追寻二次大战前后“高雄港埠”之意像

Session 1B:The City and the Ocean

  1. Odysseus and the Phaeacians: The City and the Ocean at the Beginning of Western Literature(John T. Kirby, Professor and Chair of Classics, University of Miami)
  2. Contagion and the City: Writing Boston as a Transatlantic City in the Early Nineteenth Century(Susan Oliver, Lecturer of Literature and Culture of the Long Nineteenth Century; Director of Graduate Studies, University of Salford)
  3. Between Ocean and City(Rui Tavares, Historian. Professor of History of Architecture and Urban History, University of Porto)

Session 1C:海洋交通与经济活动

  1. 范锦明(中山大学中国与亚太区域研究所副教授):南岛民族造船技术的创新与流传
  2. 林志龙(中兴大学历史学系助理教授):台湾航运与澳洲经济外交1949-1971
  3. 李其霖(台湾师范大学环境教育研究所博士后研究员):清代水师的职责

Session 2A:Lusophone Port Cities and the Creole Hybrid Spaces and Representations

  1. Creolization, Port Cities and the Novel: Reading Across the Seas (Fernando Rosa, Professor of School of Arts Letters and Sciences, Universidade de Sao Jose)
  2. Place, Extension, Representation, and the Case of Macau(Rui Leao, Visiting Lecturer of School of Arts Letters and Sciences and Coordinator of the Architecture Licenciate Degree, Universidade de Sao Jose, Macau)
  3. J. J Slauerhoff’s The Forbidden Realm: In Camoes’s Footsteps from Lisbon to Macao (Isabel Morais, Associate Professor of School of Arts Letters and Sciences, Universidade de Sao Jose, Macau)

Session 2B:城市历史书写与海市想象

  1. 汤熙勇(中研院台湾史研究所副研究员):台湾人移民巴西的经验与对台湾原乡的记忆
  2. 杨雅惠(中山大学中国文学系教授):台湾日治时期诗歌中的城市书写
  3. 黄文车(国立屏东教育大学中国语文学系助理教授):天到珠崖尽,化外成都会——清末驻新领事的新加坡书写与想象海市
  4. 黄念欣(香港中文大学中国语言及文学系教授):董启章《地图集》中的香港想象

Session 2C:Continuation of Cultural Heritage in Time of Historical Change and the Identity of the City

  1. Shared Memory and Cultural Identity of the Hoa Refugees after Fall of the Republic of Vietnam(黄贺,中山大学企管系教授)、(Y. Paul Huo, Professor of Management, Henderson State University)
  2. Island and Mainland: Intergenerational Family Connections in the Small-scale Fishery of the Visayas, Central Philippines(Cynthia Neri Zayas, Professor of Center for International Studies, University of the Philippines)、(Lilian C. de la Pena, Associate Professor of College of Arts and Sciences, Capitol University)


Session 3A:Migration, Racial Others, and Social Conflict

  1. 陈国荣(中正大学外语学系副教授):Reading between the Lines? The Construction of a Slavery Discourse in Rozema’s Mansfield Park
  2. 蔡美玉(中正大学外语学系助理教授):A Holy City of Conflicting Tales: Jerusalem’s Ambivalent Spatial Identities in Amos Oz’s My Michael
  3. 高维泓(台湾大学外国语文学系副教授):Irish Migration and Its Russian Double: Tom Murphy’s The House and Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard

Session 3B:都市再造与社群文化

  1. 唐文惠(中山大学通识教育中心与社会学研究所合聘副教授):妇运、人权与城市空间再造:以旗津劳动女性纪念公园为例
  2. 李佩霖(文藻外语学院英语系助理教授):那段竹篱笆的旧梦:眷村后代的离散与混杂想象的共同体
  3. 戴华萱(真理大学台湾文学系助理教授):“都兰村”成为新移民部落的观察

Session 3C:The Ocean and National Identity

  1. “Same Ocean, Two Directions”(David Rands, Ph.D. Candidate of History, University of Southern California)
  2. The Enchanted Island: Robertson Davies’ Tempest-Tost as a National Allegory(Sungfu Tsai, Ph.D. Candidate of English, University of Calgary)
  3. Bridging the Seas of Change: Neocolonialism, Colonial Memory, and Localizing the Global in Cape No. 7(Stewart Li-Wen Chang, Ph.D. Candidate of English with Graduate Emphasis in Asian American Studies, University of California, Irvine)
  4. Plenary Speech: The Bund Burning Upside Down on Water: Shanghai Obscura in Kazuo Ishiguro(Sheng-Mei Ma, Professor of English, Michigan State University)


专题演讲:How Must the Flaneur Change in Order to Read Twenty-first-century Cities?( Jonathan White, Professor Emeritus in Literature, University of Essex)

Session 4A:Travelling, Home, and Imagined Identities

  1. “Far Shore”: The Post-Apocalyptic Coast in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road(Joseph C. Murphy Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University)
  2. The Metropolitan City: Pluralized Identities and Artistic Productions(Alireza Anushiravani, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Shiraz University)
  3. Portable Cities– Cosmopolitans, Memories and Homes(Ming Turner, Lecturer/Honourary Research Fellow, School of Fine and Applied Art, De Montfort University)

Session 4B:空间、记忆、族群

  1. 张志维(中山大学外语学系博士后研究):海洋∕湖泊∕异质空间∕另类家国:吴继文的《天河撩乱》
  2. 洪世谦(中山大学政治所博士后研究):破碎的地图与希望的空间
  3. 李易璁(辅仁大学比较文学所博士):迷航方舟与失落疆界:漂流、想象、探索与再现的《长耳国漂流记》
  4. 施懿芹(政治大学英文系博士候选人):《日暮:洛城1992》中都市暴乱的历史重述


Session 4C:The City, Immigrant Cultures, and Identities

  1. The Periphery of Empire: Japanese Culture in Shantou (1900-1945)( Lin-Yi Tseng, Ph.D. Candidate in History, Graduate Center, City University of New York)
  2. Transoceanic Identities in Anne Michaels’ Fugitive Pieces(Catalina Botez, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Konstanz)
  3. The Immigrant Cultures in Indiana(Jessica Tooker, Ph.D. Candidate in English Literature, at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.)

Session 5A:Special Session

Buddhism,Transnationalism, and Asian American Cultural Politics

Session 5B:中国文人的离散身分与城市历史

  1. 刘文强(中山大学中国文学系教授):城市历史——从春秋到战国
  2. 陈金现(辅英科技大学副教授):苏轼贬谪黄州的身分认同
  3. 林宜蓉(暨南大学中国文学研究所助理教授):不入城之旅——明末清初遗民文人徐枋的身分认同与生命安顿

Session 5C:地缘政治与海港城市

  1. 吴毓琪(成功大学台湾文学系助理教授):一九二○年前“打狗”文学中港湾意符的衍异与层构
  2. 陈昌宏(台湾师范大学政治学研究所博士候选人):全球化下的华人认同转变:以新加坡为例
  3. 李政鸿(中山大学中国与亚太区域研究所博士候选人):重构全球化的地缘政治分析途径



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